Rental Contracts and In-Game Hub
Use integrated contracts allowing users to rent Defender NFT access for a limited time
Flight Force 4 Defenders mint today September 5th at our website. Each NFT minted provides the holder with an avatar to use in our Web3 FPS multiplayer game. Holders are also eligible for value-added project mechanisms during the development cycle.
We want to make sure that players aren’t limited to play exclusively with the avatars owned in their wallet. What if somebody else owns an NFT for the character you want to play? What if you own an extremely desirable 1:1 NFT that you don’t want to sell but would like to monetize? And how can crypto-illiterate gamers join in the fun without spending time and effort learning about cryptocurrency ownership?
We’ve answered these three questions with our in-game NFT Rental Contracts!
Access Premium Content without Ownership
Our Defenders collection features a variety of different soldiers with different skills and battle perks. Rather than keeping certain perks behind closed doors, we want to allow as many users as possible to access all sorts of different playstyles. NFT Rental Contracts incentivize holders to share their NFTs using a competitive in-game economy.
Let’s say that Space Skellies is about to launch a new NFT collection, and you’re dying to play as their firey 1:1 Defender. Using our rental contracts, you can curate a deal with the owner to rent out their NFT over the mint weekend and flex on your opponents! And as with many of our rarer NFTs, your rented legend comes with the added benefit of extremely high in-game perk points, temporarily making you a formidable powerhouse in PvP.
For new players, our Rental Hub makes it easy to check out the game at a low entry cost. While rarer NFTs with traits related to powerful in-game abilities might cost more to rent, competitively priced baseline NFTs will drastically reduce the barrier of entry for new recruits.
So how long is a renter to use their rented avatar, and how much will it cost? We decided it would be fair to leave that decision in the hands of the NFT owner.
Monetize your Collection
So you’ve minted a formidable collection of NFTs on September 5th. Sure you could sell some Defenders on a secondary marketplace for profit… but should you? We invite our holders to consider that keeping a variable collection of Defenders will allow you to monetize your collection without ever losing ownership of your pieces.
Upon the launch of our NFT Rental Contracts, owners can decide to rent out any of their NFTs based on the following parameters:
- Length of rental term
- Flat fee for rental
- Percentage split for tokens/profits made by rentee while using the rented NFT
Let’s say you own the Stoned Duck 1:1 Defender, and you want to keep the NFT, but share with the SDLC Community and also make some money. You can head to our in-game Rental Hub and post an offer to rent out the Stoned Duck NFT for a period of one week and a rental fee of $100 (equal value in crypto). If a gamer finds your offer and accepts your terms, you will immediately receive the totality of the rental fee. As the owner, you will no longer be able to use, trade, or rent out your NFT until the rental term of 1 week is completed. However, you will also enjoy the added benefit of claiming a percentage of the rewards that the rentee earns for the entire week while they are playing with that character.
Our Rental Contracts are an innovative way to keep our in-game economy fresh while allowing players to access premium content without paying premium prices. In fact, we plan to implement the system in a way that makes rental a simple matter, even for the crypto-illiterate.
Attract Non-Crypto Gamers
We are developing FF4 in a way that attracts all gamers, regardless of cryptocurrency experience. We recognize that not all gamers will want to jump through the hoops of learning about onboarding fiat, securing their wallet private keys, and navigating the UX/UI that is on-chain cryptocurrency management. Thanks to our Rental Hub, they don’t have to.
We are designing our in-game economy to resemble other popular systems, such as the one seen, for example, in League of Legends: log into the game client, purchase a bulk amount of tokens (in this case, Riot Points) and spend them however you see fit. However, in the FF4 in-game economy, these tokens will actually represent on-chain tokens launched by our team (and also airdropped to loyal Defenders holders).
Purchasing in-game items and renting out your favorite characters will be as simple as a few clicks. As an added benefit, every purchase made will support our token and increase the volume of token usage. While the average gamer may be blissfully unaware of the financial implications of their purchases, the die-hard crypto degen will be able to monitor on-chain usage and make profitable trades along the way. Keeping up with the meta has never before been so profitable!
Mint Day and Beyond
More concrete details about the in-game economy and how it relates to the Rental Hub will become apparent after we publicly announce details of our upcoming FF4 token. For now, airdrop hunters should be aware that the best way to optimize your initial distribution of the token is by minting and holding as many FF4 Defenders as possible!
Thanks to the rapid momentum of the metaverse movement, players won’t have to wait very long to test-pilot a Defender in a 3D world! Just this week we made an exciting collaboration announcement with Zombie Social Club. By the end of October Defenders holders will have a chance to take the Defenders out for a spin!
More details soon! Stay tuned to our socials during the Mint process for more announcements and alpha